Sunday, September 28, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- C.I. goes where everyone else plays dumb. FAIR repeatedly cries for presidential debates to be opened . . . except this year. This year FAIR's in love with Barack and damned if they worry about being fair anymore.

"Saucy potato-tomato-casserole recipe in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers an easy recipe and addresses the proposed bailout that will soak the American people.

"Queen Bee Calls" -- Gail Collins dials up Betinna. Wally and Cedric note that they laughed repeatedly at Betty's latest humorous chapter. She will be under "Recommended" on Monday. They did their joint-entry Saturday before Betty posted and forgot that in their rush to get it up at their sites later that morning.

"Amy Goodman broadcasts more homophobia" and "Amy Goodman and other homophobes" -- Marcia tackles the 'left' 'friend' Amy Goodman who always find an excuse to broadcast homophobia.

"Barack cracks open a case of whine" and "THIS JUST IN! BARACK" -- Cedric and Wally speak with whiney Barack who is yet again whimpering.

"Nader, Cher" and "Cher, Ashley Sanders, Nader video" -- the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame released their latest nominees for induction and Cher was among the many women not on the list as Ruth and Kat point out.

"heroes" -- Rebecca tackles the TV beat at a reader's request.

"Kim, pack up your office" -- Elaine states the obvious, Kim Gandy needs to step down as president of NOW.

"Christine, Nader, movies" -- Mike notes movies and then has to do an update one day later ("Nader, movies").

"Look Who's Whining" -- Ruth explains how the press has given Barack so many passes he now expects them.

"barack bombs in another debate" and "A real debate requires Ralph" -- Rebecca and Mike weigh in on Friday's 'debate.'

"This one time, at debate camp . . . " and "THIS JUST IN! DEBATE CAMP HORRORS!" -- Cedric and Wally get the details of debate camp from Barack.

"Lisa Richardson, sexist" -- Ruth tackles yet another woman utilizing sexism to 'take down' Governor Sarah Palin.

"The New Adventures of Old Christine" -- Kat talks New Adventures of Old Christine. Something we're doing for a feature this week.

"Kat's Korner: Chris Martin's cold play" -- Kat's first posted review in months. (Or it feels like months.) This was supposed to go up Saturday but we were so busy on this edition that everyone forgot. So it just went up and it's one of what Kat hopes is three CD reviews over the next few days. A second review goes up Monday. A third review she hopes will be up before Saturday night but she's not sure when. Read it, it's great. So is her second one which we've also all read. It's also on a group.