Sunday, June 01, 2008

Agustana's Sweet and Low

You never post videos!

Do you know how hard it is to?

Above is Augustana whose Can't Love, Can't Hurt was released at the end of April. Click here for the group's MySpace page. Video is "Sweet and Low."

You have no idea how hard it is. Dona, Ty and Jim here.

If you saw "test," it goes in a second. C.I. did the above for us right before running to the cab. We are on the phone with C.I. right now and were told, as we prepared to post this video, "Don't!"

C.I. did it in "programming code and you need to be in 'edit' and not 'compose' to post it. If you even open it in 'compose,' it may wipe out the code." How do we get to "edit"? Do a post in edit. So we did "test."

Hopefully this will work. If not, we'll delete this post. We're putting it up right now because C.I.'s the only one who knows how to do these things and if there's a minor problem, C.I. might be able to talk us through.

The three of us are in South Dakota. Everyone else is in Puerto Rico turning out the vote for Hillary.

We are done with the edition pretty much.

We need to edit a bit but we'll tell you what we've got coming. Highlights, two pieces by Ava and C.I., a roundtable, an editorial, a feature that might make a better editorial than feature article, a short post, a truest (we may add a second) and a great deal more.

In the feature that might need to be an editorial (war resisters is the topic), C.I. wants it noted that Amy Goodman may have interviewed Kyle Snyder more than once. We took a vote and decided to go with what was showing up in the archives of Democracy Now! and C.I. was not arguing with Dallas (who found it) but said, "I really remember an interview that Kyle did with Gerry [Condon]. Maybe I'm confused because I'm tired, but I thought it was on Democracy Now! Maybe it was Flashpoints? But it was right after Kyle checked out the second time and unlike Kyle's then lawyer, Gerry didn't make excuses and made it very clear that he thought Kyle had been failed by the military and elsewhere. It was an interview where Gerry was participating by phone."

We take e-mails in the roundtable. One we didn't get to had to do with Augustana. A friend of C.I.'s asked C.I. to note it as a favor. C.I. finally did that last week (things back up, people have to wait). Is C.I. getting any money from Agustana? That's what Joy wanted to know.

C.I.: No. I'm not getting any money to promote it and I'm not getting any money from the sales. I believe I still have stock in the label but I doubt the sales of Augustana would be enough to increase that. My friend who asked for the favor will see money off the sales. I won't see anything. It was requested when the CD came out at the end of April. I said I would note it but said it would be sometime in May and I couldn't guarantee when. Realizing May was almost over last week, I finally noted it. If I were going to make money off of it, it was stupid for me to wait four weeks before noting it. I can be stupid very often but in this case, no. I won't be making any money off any sales.