Sunday, May 25, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Ruth of Ruth's Report, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"I Hate The War" -- Ty notes this was the most requested piece by Third readers and that they're asking why their most requested highlight comes last every week? Are we saying their taste doesn't matter? No, actually, C.I. (who wrote this) always asks to be noted last ("if at all") but since it's become an issue for readers, we're noting it at the start. C.I.'s taking on the nonsense and the lies hurting today's US war resisters in Canada.

"The Great Pretenders" -- Betinna finds out what happened to Katty-van-van and Bitsy Betsy.

"Steamed Potatoes and Onions in the Kitchen" -- Trina covering war resisters (which puts her way ahead of Amy Goodman).

"Different Drum" -- Ruth decided to talk about music and uses it to say a lot on sexism and the current primary cycle.

"On the ones who hate women" -- Elaine got tired of waiting. We discussed a feature last weekend. We had some great ideas for it. Time ran out and we never got to it. Elaine pulled some of it together for this excellent post.

"Barack's new slogan" & "THIS JUST IN! BARACK'S NEW SLOGAN!" -- Cedric and Wally speak with the Obama campaign.

"Nothing's what you get for free" -- How did C.I. choose the song? That was everyone's question. It's from the movie Summer Stock and, if you knew the song, you went around humming it all day after you read this, if you didn't know it, you were thinking, "Damn, why wasn't that Hillary's campaign song?" It should be.

"War resistance then and now" -- Mike reviews topics that some still appear not to grasp.

"hillary wins kentucky, oregon results not released..." -- Rebecca was hopeful but cautious election night.

"Senator Clinton wins Kentucky (Ruth and C.I.)" -- Ruth says they co-wrote this, C.I. says "I only edited." Regardless, it's a great post.

"Isaiah, Hillary, etc." & "Hillary, Isaiah, Third" -- Elaine and Mike provide the rundown on Monday.

"THIS JUST IN! MICHELLE BRUISES EASY!" & "THIS JUST IN! LOVE HURTS!" -- Cedric and Wally explain Michelle Obama must not be criticized . . . no matter what nutty thing she says next.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Endorsement" -- an instant classic from Isaiah. Johen Edwards is drawn to perfection! We loved this.

"Hillary calls out McCain on economics" -- Kat pointing out who the candidate really is.

"hillary, corey glass" -- Rebecca covering the campaign and war resister Corey Glass.

"Danny Schechter: Media Excuser" -- Marcia demonstrating she won't be silent. We'd love to do that piece here but assume it would be nixed. We could be wrong. You'll note Marcia provides on link to Danny. Elaine and Mike are on record -- after the defense of Ike Turner's torture of Tina -- that they won't be linking to Danny. They're done with him. As Marcia notes, this isn't one thing, it has been non-stop sexism. How do you call youself a "Media Dissector" and refuse to "dissect" the sexism in the campaign? Probably the same way you assume an organization called Media Channel can exist without women writers.

"Talking post" -- Elaine explains the difference between now and then. (Ava reminded us of this just as we said we were done with highlights. "You highlighted Elaine's post from Wednesday, right?" We forgot.)