Sunday, March 23, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz, Marcia of SICKOFITRADLZ and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"Hillary talks Iraq Panhandle Media plays dumb" -- Ava and C.I. picked this and they did so for the writing and because they didn't link to it in their TV commentary. They apologize and say after they have some sleep, they will add it in a note at the end. This edition was an interesting one. In the roundtable, it's addressed somewhat. But due to the issue discussed in the roundtable, no one felt much like writing one damn word. Ava and C.I. said they'd work on their TV commentary and for everyone else to grab three or four hours of sleep, then we'd regroup. We did and Jim read the thing to us and it was enough to get us ready to write. But the thing is mammoth (it's the longest piece this edition) and they wrote it, they typed it, they did the links. They are tired (more so than the rest of us) and state they are not going back into that folder until later in the week. At which point they will add a note mentioning Mike's post. They forgot about it and to make up for it, that's their pick for highlight of the week.

"Katrina wants a new Joe Stalin" -- Ironically enough, had Elaine posted Thursday (she has group), she intended to write about Stalin. Betty's latest chapter finds Cathy Pollitt and Betinna finally out of Katrina's closet and Betinna begins reading the manual for US domination.

"Roasted potatoes in the Kitchen" -- Trina offers a new recipe and covers some of the week's news.

"remembering back in the day" -- Ty says community member Lynda asked for this to be highlighted. She lived through that period and said she thought she was the only one who experienced anything like what Rebecca wrote about. Rebecca's reflecting on sex back then and what some lefty males enjoyed.

"One bad apple can spoil the whole bunch" -- Marcia's megapost. "Typos and all," she says. You saw this sentiment brewing at all sites last week. At The Common Ills, they were also dealing with the pathetic Panhandle Media sending in their nasty e-mails for holding Panhandle Media accountable for not covering Winter Soldier. Marcia says it all and then some.

"Gary Younge needs to take his sexist red ass home" -- Marcia also asks what a Communist, British citizen is doing endorsing Barack Obama with fawning coverage while trashing American women? Younge can't vote in the election, why's he not making that, and his politics, obvious in his column? But if The Nation couldn't run these things supposedly by Democrats, they wouldn't have much to run, now would they?

"And the idiot of the week is . . . " -- Mike awards the well deserving.

"Jesse Hamilton, Babsie the non-believer" -- Then it was time for The Nation to publish a Hillary Hater's take on how Hillary practices her own religion. Since the hater in questioner does not believe in God, there was never any chance that the crack-pot writer was going to be pleased with Hillary. What was the point of the article? Just more smears and they honestly seemed pathological. Maybe writers who do not believe in God should be required to note that when opining on someone's religion?

"Bambi hides in his palace" & "THIS JUST IN! VISITING DENIAL COUNTRY!" -- Wally and Cedric chat with Bambi to find out what's what on the campaign.

"Message to Jen, stay away from my boyfriend" & "'Jen, stay away from my boyfriend' was pretty clear" -- Yes, Elaine, your message was clear. Why the woman then felt the need to write you just goes to her longing for drama. She'll have to drama trip out elsewhere because this community has no use for her.

"Boogie on 'Corporate' Peace Movement" & "THIS JUST IN! THE DISCO MOVEMENT!" -- Cedric and Wally examine the corporate peace movement's dema-god and discover his roots are disco. That explains a great deal.

"Dahlai Wasfi: Rock Star" -- Kat highlights an important voice at Winter Soldier.

"CounterPunch never heard of IVAW?" & "Common Dreams doesn't include Winter Soldier" -- Elaine and Mike note who's not covering Winter Soldier even a day after it ended.

"And the war drags on . . ." -- This really wasn't the week for creeps to e-mail and Sunday night especially. We're under clamp down not to talk about that but read Mike's Hillary talks Iraq Panhandle Media plays dumb" for background (Mike's the "puppy," he can get away with anything and that's why you especially don't try to drag the puppy into your own personal drama, don't think that hasn't ticked C.I. off more than anything else). But despite what we can't write about happening, C.I. was posting entries Sunday night. And an e-mail comes in from a creep with Foreign Policy In Focus. Jess is going through the e-mails to help C.I. get done with the entry as quickly as possible and says, "It looks like it's for the record." Ava looks at it and agrees. Now C.I. doesn't have the time to write everyone and ask, "This e-mail with the link in it that you sent, is that a for the record?" The creep disagreed with C.I. (C.I. was correct, Foreign Policy In Focus did nothing during the hearings to alert people that they were going on) and C.I. was fair enough to include the alternative view. Ava responds to the jerk on Monday when he writes again in a snit fit about how the e-mail was private! A professional journalist should (a) grasp the need to say that something is private and (b) not waste anyone's time with their private disagreements. So C.I. pulled it from this post. But it was a busy week and C.I. hasn't realized it's still up somewhere. :D You know where to go and Rebecca will have it up on Monday if C.I. realizes it's still somewhere. Anyway, Ava told the pompous jerk-off off. As only Ava can. :D (And yes, she did share the story with her father who has spread it far and wide throughout the TV broadcasting community.)

"The Peter Pans of Panhandle Media refused to cover Winter Soldiers" -- One of C.I.'s many entries on the silence from Panhandle Media with regards to Winter Soldier.

"KPFA risks its charter" -- As Ruth notes, KPFA couldn't stop pimping Barack Obama's undelivered speech Tuesday morning while ignoring Hillary Clinton's speech given on Iraq. It is being noted and higher up than they realize.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Just Words" -- Isaiah weighs in on the Jeremiah Wright love-fest Bambi offered on Tuesday.

"Matt Howard at Winter Soldier" -- Ruth highlights a testimony that spoke to her. We did a special highlights last week and noted that on Tuesday evening we'd be back to add to that. We'll do it at some future date due to the souring caused by one person. When we do, we'll include this post by Ruth. Ruth, Kat and C.I. were big enough to continue writing about Winter Soldier long after the rest of us were soured by one Drama Queen.

"I Hate The War" -- "Guess what the most requested highlight was?" Ty asked us. Yes, C.I.'s Thursday night entry. Suprising says Kat considering that C.I. was dead tired and weary due to a number of issues (including the Drama Queen). Kat said C.I. almost didn't write Thursday night. (Wally and Cedric got so upset about the Drama Queen, discussing her in the roundtable for the gina & krista round-robin that they didn't even try to post Thursday night.)