Sunday, February 10, 2008

Women, you're her third choice!

Professional crier Kate Michelman felt the need to share ("What I Really Wanted To Say To Chris Matthews" -- you sort of picture her tossing and turning unable to sleep as she relives it) that with John Edwards out of the race, her new pick, Barack Obama, is about qualifactions.

Strange qualifications, apparently, since she rates Hillary Clinton "very good." Just not good enough to be the first pick or the second. But presumably Clinton would be her third pick, unless Mike Gravel showed a surprising skill on the field.

See, 'feminist' Kate thinks even "very good" women aren't good enough for the Michelman first round draft choice, nor the second. But when only two others are left (Clinton and Gravel), she might go with Hillary. Maybe.

That's cry baby Kate for you. You can never make her useless because she'll always beat you to it.