Sunday, February 10, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"The tears of a clown -- named Cathy Pollitt" -- Cathy Pollitt is a drag and a drip (art imitates life!) but she's also an unintentional wealth of informatin (ibid). Don't miss the latest in Betinna's world!

"Chief Pesto in the Kitchen" -- Marcia wanted us to note that Trina never tries to fancy it up or play gourmet, "she's interested in helping and this may be my favorite thing she's ever written."

"the need for a feminist revolution right about now..." & "a revolution right about now" -- Rebecca charts the problem with weak sisters tagging themselves as 'feminists' to justify their weakness. This is a powerful two-parter and Rebecca says she'll pick up next week as well.

""Idiot of the week" and my interview with Marcia" -- Mike interviews Marcia and you don't want to miss it. (Check out this week's "Idiot of the Week" as well.)

"the 'fighting' kucinich" & "Dennis Kucinich puts impeachment off the table" & "About impeachment . . ." -- Did you hear about Dennis Kucinich deciding impeachment can wait? He did. He declared that on Air America Radio and it's hilarious to visit impeachment sites and watch how they bend over backwards to not cover that. Rebecca, Ruth and Kat didn't blink. They noted reality. Guess others were trying to 'protect' the people from the truth. Maybe that's why one 'impeachment' site features a chatty boy who can't shut up about his love for Bambi? He's a joke and a jerk.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "State of Misunion" -- Isaiah captures 'bipartisanship' perfectly.

"Amy Goodman's Lie & Homophobia report" -- Marcia calls out Goody on her silence over the Bambi campaign's use of homophobia.

"Letter to an Old Sell Out" -- "That may be the most e-mailed on post I've ever written," says Elaine. Read it and see why. We're sick of the sell outs. This is a must read.

"Banned from Democracy Now!" & "THIS JUST IN! KICKED OFF THE DN! SET!" -- When Goodman presents a roundtable of four and three are Bambi supporters and the other doesn't root for Bambi or Hillary, it's another wobbly table built by Goody.

"Iraq snapshot" -- C.I.'s Wednesday snapshot which was requested non-stop in e-mails to this site that Ty read. Read it and grasp why. There are several sections that could qualify as "Truest statement of the week."

"THIS JUST IN! STONERS FOR BAMBI!" & "Bambi wraps up the roll your own vote" -- C.I. picked this and thought it was among Wally and Cedric's best. We agree. Bambi doesn't like the 60s but some sellouts from that period are happy to tongue bathe him.

"Hillary" & "Hillary predicted win for Big Mass!" -- Kat and Mike on Hillary's wins on Tuesday night.

"The Nation and Rachel Maddow caught lying" -- If you're advertising a product, shouldn't your facts be correct? Rachel Maddow and The Nation don't practice truth in advertising as Ruth demonstrates.

"Flanders remembers the LGBTs ... for a moment" -- Closet case Laura Flanders (closeted with straights, open to the gay press) just gets more ridiculous every day. Marcia explains why.

"I Hate The War" -- C.I.'s "I Hate The War" remains the most requested highlight each week.