Sunday, January 06, 2008

Theft of the week

Clinton - 169
Obama - 66
Edwards - 47
“Huh?” you say. “vanden Heuvel, you made a MAJOR typo.”

So writes imperialist and Peace Resister Katrina vanden Heuvel. No, we do not say, "vanden Heuvel, you made a MAJOR typo." We say, "Theft!"

While everyone was off in fantasy land (including Katrina) on Friday morning, Deliah Boyd (A Scriverner's Lament) was doing real work: "Dem Delegate Count: Clinton 52%; Obama 20%; Edwards 14%."

Now it wasn't hard to note the topic and credit Boyd. From C.I.'s "Iraq snapshot:"

It takes an informed woman and, in this case, it's Deliah Boyd (A Scriverner's Lament) who explains delegates and super delegates and points out the obvious: Michigan has 156 delegates. Matters because? Hillary's on Michigan's ballot. Who's else is? Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel. Chris Dodd was but he's ended his campaign. Biden, Edwards, Obama and Richardson all sucked up to the DNC and refused to get on the ballot. So the reality is Hillary is close to Bambi and, apparently, has the lock on the 156 delegates in Michigan. (The DNC says they'll refuse to allow Michigan delegates. They may or may not be able to pull off that threat.)

With two Nation coffee fetchers having e-mailed the public site on Friday after the snapshot went up (to whine about the snapshot, all they ever do is whine), Ava says, "It's obvious it was a topic to some at The Nation and most likely that's where Katrina 'discovered' the topic of super-delegates to 'suddenly' write about. If Boyd were a male blogger, she would have most likely gotten credit from Koo Koo. Congratulations to Deliah Boyd, when you're ripped off by lame brains, it's a testimony to your talent."