Sunday, January 13, 2008


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"Unbelievable" -- Betty wants it noted that Katha Pollitt came out strong last week. As a result she's "killed of Cathy Pollitt" ("but she's got a chapter left to wrap up details"). She says that it wasn't planned but Pollitt's column resulted in her thinking, "She deserves some kind of break and this is what I can do." It's an interesting chapter. (Betty notes "sight, not side," if and when I have time to correct, I will.")

"Mushroom and Pepper Omelet" -- Trina offering an egg recipe and breaking a few hearts maybe as she rededicates her blog to what matters. We support and applaud her. For those not familiar with Trina's site, she had used it for many months to get the word out on Dennis Kucinich's presidential campaign. Like many, until he made a deal to 'give' his supporters in Iowa to Barack Obama, she believed he was a real candidate. In part, due to that moment, she's now focusing on more realistic efforts as she outlines in this post.

"Misogny thrives online and on air waves" -- Go Ruth! (This will go up first and those wondering about Ruth's Report at The Common Ills, called off when she agreed to participate in a roundtable here. It is the longest roundtable we've ever done. Ever. It was long. Might still be going on, Wally notes, were it not for the fact that C.I. was sick.) Ruth tells it like it is about the sexism repeatedly on display last week.

'Sexy Oreo' goes after Gloria Steinem" -- Don't you love when sexist front a woman to do their dirty work for them? Kat explores the reality of a 'feminist' who suddenly showed up last week to trash Gloria Steinem.

""Bambi's dainty crotch rot" & "THIS JUST IN! BAMBI SMELLS CROTCH ROT IN THE MORNING!" -- Cedric and Wally on how Bambi tried to spin a victory out of his expected and predicted win in New Hampshire which turned into a loss to Hillary Clinton.

"Clinton tells the truth, Matthew Rothschild doesn't" -- Elaine explains it all -- and begged us not to include anything of her's this week. She had some hard hitting stuff and this was among the best. So we begged and pleaded.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "The Vulture Rudy G." -- Isaiah provides the back story on why Rudy G wakes up feeling a winner.

"Robert Scheer: Human Trash" -- Mike charts what happens when Bambi groupies embarrass themselves. We'd say no one embarrassed themselves more than Scheer but that wouldn't be fair to Matthew Rothschild or Robert Parry.

"robert parry, an asshole" -- As we were saying . . . . There was no big supporter of Parry in the community than Rebecca. He lost her support when he trashed Gloria Steinem. (In addition, C.I. notes in this week's roundtable how Parry distorted Steinem's printed words.)

"I Hate The War" -- We don't want to hear complaints from C.I. lovers. We're C.I. lovers too. But Ty told us this was repeatedly requested in e-mails for a highlight. So we're highlighting and we love it but sure enough, next week, we'll hear that e-mails came in asking why we didn't note ___ by C.I.? This was your pick.

"Third & Bambi" -- Jim picked this highlight. Mike's explaining last week's edition here and also addressing the Disney candidate.

"Idiot of the week, Dems & more" -- Mike picks the idiot of the week (always a hard choice but someone squeaked in under the wire) and also addresses when issues are turned to nonsense because the are led from outside the region of concern.

"Jobama, the new hot couple" & "THIS JUST IN! THE NEW SUPERCOUPLE JOBAMA!" -- We love the super couple Jobama! Why won't US cover them! Why!