Sunday, November 25, 2007


This piece is written by Rebecca of Sex and Politics and Screeds and Attitude, Cedric of Cedric's Big Mix, Kat of Kat's Korner, Betty of Thomas Friedman is a Great Man, Mike of Mikey Likes It!, Elaine of Like Maria Said Paz and Wally of The Daily Jot. Unless otherwise noted, we picked all highlights.

"It Returns" -- Why are Thomas Friedman and the peace resister so cozy? A new development in Betinna's life (and struggle against imperialism).

"Mashed Potatoes in the Kitchen" -- Trina provides you with two ways to dress up those leftover mashed potatoes and also explains why you need to be taking Dennis Kucinich seriously as a candidate for president.

"Iraq snapshot" -- C.I. explaining nostalgia is not activism and lies are not helping today. This highlight was selected by 32 readers of this site, 31 of whom identified themselves as college students. Translation, the message especially resonated with the 'young.'

"Students & the peace movement" -- Elaine runs down the different factors for war resistance and students then and now.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Lame Duck Turkey" -- Bully Boy gives us one thing to all be thankful for.

"Ruth's Report" -- Ruth's latest report focuses on realities re: a radio station.

"Thoughts" -- Elaine calls this her "most typo filled entry." She doesn't care and we don't either. (Elaine has noted her site is a journal and that she wouldn't go into a journal and fix spellings.) She's reflecting on a passing.

"John Edwards (Ava and C.I.)" & "John Edwards (Ava and C.I.)" -- Ava and C.I. fill in for Elaine and Mike (who'd just arrived in California and were hungry and tired).

"Bad lies from the bad leader in the White House" & "THIS JUST IN! THEY CAN'T EVEN LIE WELL!" -- Wally and Cedric point out that in the current economy, Bully Boy and the White House whining that their might be cutbacks at the Pentagon because they just got only $460 billion isn't going to strike up a sympathetic chord in the hearts of most people struggling with one of the most economically depressed Christmases in recent memory.

"John Howard's 'humiliating' defeat" -- Jim says Skip and Olive have already e-mailed on this. So have others but they are Australian community members and they asked that this be highlighted.

"The latest Congressional attack on freedoms" -- Kat addressing the latest attacks on our freedoms. Why does Congress hate us for our freedom?

"realizations will end the illegal war" -- Rebecca explaining the basics and what's needed now.

"Third, Dave Lindorff" -- Mike offers the rundown on Third, talks about NBC's Chuck and more.

"F.C.C." -- Ruth continues to note the FCC issue and remember that you have until December 11th to register your objections over further media consolodiation: Chairman Kevin J. Martin:; Commissioner Michael J. Copps:; Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein:; Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate:; Commissioner Robert McDowell:

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Canada in Distress" -- Isaiah's instant classic editorial on Jeremy Hinzman and Brandon Hughey.

"The 'Great Return': Bussed in & bought" -- Most requested highlight in e-mails to this site. Bought and bussed, realities about the 'great return' in Iraq.

"Look who's endorsing" & "THIS JUST IN! ENDORSEMENTS HURT!" -- Cedric & Wally on endorsements and when trash comes to your door, you should sweep it up, not display it.

"Day by Day, USA Today brain injury signature wound" -- Ruth steering you the fact that even the MSM is admitting brain injury is the signature wound of this illegal war.

"robert parry, etc." -- Rebecca covering a number of topics including the time she participated in an underground railroad.

"Thanksgiving, Dave Lindorff" -- Mike's Thanksgiving day post. Covering a number of topics. And it's worth noting that of all of us, only Mike and C.I. put up new content on Thursday. The rest of us are slackers one and all.