Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dumb ass found online by reader Lou

We're being kind and avoiding the entire thread reader Lou plucked a comment from. Why? They think Bill Clinton "saved" Social Security. Social Security wasn't in danger.

Though many on the thread mouth the words "lock box," none seem to understand that the federal goverment has to go under before Social Security does. The federal government has repeatedly borrowed from it (hence Al Gore's proposing a "lock box"). It's not going belly up. It's not in danger. They get that (or most of them do). But they buy into the lie that Bill Clinton "saved" it. On the right, they buy into the lie that Ronald Reagan "saved" it. It was never in any danger and when they can wake up to the reality, they might be worth highlighting.

When we e-mailed Lou, he wrote back he was fine with just "the big dumb ass" being highlighted.

Read all the way through and you'll understand why Lou calls the poster a "dumb ass."

This post is so full of blind Obama hate that it's hard to even start. "Embracing homophobia"? "pandering to the religious"? "further to the right than Clinton?"
And which votes is Obama trying to "draw" away from Edwards? Last time I checked, Edwards doesn't have too many votes. Obama is mostly ignoring him, much like the media, and the voters (I actually like Edwards, don't take this as a cricism against him - it's just reality).
Please, calm down. We have 2 candidates (Edwards and Obama) who are incredibly liberal. Probably the two most liberal major candidates to run in our generation. Then we have Hillary, who has a mixed record...
Democrats Against Hillary
by wahoopaul on Fri Nov 09, 2007 at

"wahoopaul" runs a site entitled Democrats Against Hillary. He's all over ("paul" is a male name) trashing Hillary throughout the thread. Above his signature he always includes a link to his site (we've disabled the link) "Democrats Against Hillary." And he has the never to whine that a thread (at a Dem site) is full of "blind Obama hate"?

Obama's "embracing homophobia" is noted because he invited one on stage in South Carolina. "Pandering to the religous" for a number of reasons including staging a "gospel festival." Way to draw the line between Church and State, Bambi. Last week, he began adding "I'm a Christian" to his campaign slogans. By the current polls, John Edwards has only a little less votes than Obama. Obama would need those voters to pull ahead of Hillary. (In most polls, he would need the votes of all other Dem candidates to pull ahead of Hillary.)

Obama's a joke. The only thing funnier than a poster with "Democrats Against Hillary" whining that any candidates getting bashed.