Sunday, October 28, 2007

As long as you're dipping into the vaults . . .

I find it really curious that people will always ask me, "When did you become a feminist?" That doesn't make any sense to me, because it seems to me that one is always a feminist. It's, "When did you discover that you were a feminist?" I assume all other women are that way, and eventually something will happen in their lives that will make the light bulb go on. It's just a matter of time and encouragement.

That's from Ruth Conniff's "The Progressive Interview: Susan Faludi" (p. 38 of the inteview), June 1993 and we'd suggest that since Faludi's The Terror Dream (discussed in "1 Book, 10 Minutes -- Faludi's The Terror Dream") is now out and since The Progressive is dipping into the archives for their website, they'd consider adding that online. We would, however, encourage them to exclude David Johnson's illustration which looks nothing like Faludi (then or now).