Sunday, July 08, 2007

What's going on?

We're almost finished.

Notice the title of this piece.

There is none.

One of the many problems with Blogger/Blogspot currently.

We think we can get around that problem but we're not sure.

If everyone's patient, we may be able to get in a roundtable. (We're finishing our revisions on our editorial right now.) Theme?

"Sense of Purpose" (think of Pretenders' song by that name).


If you love nothing else this edition, you will love Ava and C.I.'s TV commentary.

It's a return to the epic.

It's not the drama they planned to return with.

They were planning to do George Lopez. But Saturday night, the calls came in on one topic. When two friends called ("How do we say no to legends?" they ask) weighing in, that program replaced George Lopez. This may be the hardest hitting one they've done this year. We know for sure it's the funniest.