Sunday, June 03, 2007


This was written (and all selections by unless otherwise noted) Mike, Elaine, Betty, Rebecca, Cedric and Wally.

"Baked Ziti in the Kitchen" -- Trina weighs in on Cindy Sheehan and how some are seeing a return that's just not going to happen. Excellent post.

"Nicky K's Desperate Hours"-- Thomas Friedman's back in drag, you won't believe why or who with!

"Ruth's Report" -- hard hitting Ruth! Go, Ruth! The story there. Ruth wrote this on a Saturday. Kat was trying to get an easy Memorial Day for C.I. so she called Ruth and Isaiah and asked if it was okay if their contributions were held until Monday (as Kat planned for her own review). Ruth said no problem. But then Monday came and it wasn't up and she started wondering if there was a content issue? There wasn't. C.I. hadn't read it. Rebecca passed on Ruth's concerns and C.I. posted it immediately and got on the phone with Ruth. This has become, in a few short days, the most popular report Ruth's ever done. Read it and see why.

"Kat's Korner: Those Jones girls" -- Kat's latest review went up yesterday. She had asked C.I. to hold it until Thursday or Friday (after asking it be held till Monday) and C.I. completely forgot about it at the end of the week. It went up Saturday and Mike's father says it's the best thing he's read. Kat's reviewing Rickie Lee Jones and Norah Jones' latest CDs and . . . so much more.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Alberto's Hospital Rounds" -- hilarious comic from Isaiah.

"Law and Disorder: Mumia, Iraq, political prisoners..." -- Group pick for Mike's best post this week.

"Thing get rough for the Modern Day Carrie Nations" -- Kat's winning post that we all love.

"What's a little Jew hating among hypocrites?" & "THIS JUST IN! THEY LOVE JEW HATERS!" -- Cedric and Wally's post which caused some angry e-mails from visitors. Tough. Go to a Jew hater's museum opening and you look like your one too. Don't like it, tell 'em not to go.

"Cindy Sheehan" -- A very lengthy entry from C.I. covering the peace movement and so much more. This can be read and re-read (Wally).

"5 men on the court think they know best ... about women" -- Rebecca's most powerful post and one that should get you active.

"NYT: More concerned with 5 missing contractors than 10 dead US soldiers" -- C.I. hit hard on this topic all last week. Trina said it was among the finest moments of last week.

"Fred Thompson dishes" & "THIS JUST IN! FRED THOMPSON RANKS THE COMPETITION!..." -- Cedric & Wally "interview" Fred Thompson for this humorous post.