The Third Estate Sunday Review focuses on politics and culture. We're an online magazine. We don't play nice and we don't kiss butt. In the words of Tuesday Weld: "I do not ever want to be a huge star. Do you think I want a success? I refused "Bonnie and Clyde" because I was nursing at the time but also because deep down I knew that it was going to be a huge success. The same was true of "Bob and Carol and Fred and Sue" or whatever it was called. It reeked of success."
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Truest statement of the week II
Whew: at The New York Times, our idea of living on the edge is a second trip to the afternoon coffee cart.
-- David Carr speaking for the Docker Boys
Ava and C.I.: The above quote is from Carr's "Page Six Covers Itself, A Bit Painfully" which ran Monday, May 21, 2007 on C1. In an article explaining alleged scandals at The New York Post, Docker heavyweight steps it up to speak for his subset of species which can be found in the offices of The New York Times in their Dockers as well as in the 'wild' traveling in packs of mini-vans from outlet mall to outlet mall. We watch this subset with wide eyed wonder as they speak of exotic things such as "indoor electric grills," "recliners," and teenage babysitters named "Mindy." True Confessions of the Docker Boys is as exotic as a trip on the Trans-Hudson. Sadly, sometimes (possibly to reproduce?) they leave their natural habitat and can be found attempting to blend in with the Water Cool Set providing guffaws and hilarity to all.