Sunday, April 15, 2007


Written and selected (unless otherwise noted) by Mike, Elaine, Cedric, Rebecca, Betty and Wally.

"Macaroni Coleslaw in the Kitchen" -- Trina's latest. (C.I. say next time Rebecca doesn't need to say it's up, the entry at The Common Ills can go up with a "*" and a note, "Trina's almost completed her post.") Trina's talking food and Dennis Kucinich.

"Ruth's Report" -- Ruth's latest, went up late last night. Read it.

"Flop House" -- you may have heard of Grind House. In this chapter, Betina enters the flop house as two flops attempt to get rid of her.

"Suzanne Swift" -- it was close, but our favorite post by Elaine this week.

"What to write . . ." -- and our favorite by Mike and probably anyone who's ever thought they didn't have anything to write about only to have it hit them as the night winding down.

"David Ray Griffin, etc." -- Kat recapping Bonnie Faulkner and explaining that, no, she's not concerned about "respectability."

"THIS JUST IN! CONDI KNOWS, SHE KNOWS!" & "Funny Condi" -- Wally and Cedric explain Condi's upcoming book (and humor).

"Birth Announcement: Judith Miller and Dexter Filkins are proud parents" & "NYT: Stenographer Rubin has a limited vocab" -- fans of Dexy's daughter should check out TCI later today.

"Vote Insane! Vote John McCain!" -- the most suggested highlight at this site, this week.

"Joni Mitchell's Hissing of Summer Lawns" -- as we all await Kat's next CD review, this can tide you over.

"the cover up ain't pretty" & "gonzales and his blotter of many crimes" & "gonzales has mail - that he's not sharing" & "the gonzales crime spree" & "gonzales and big babs" -- Rebecca's Gonzales crimes scandal coverage.

"THIS JUST IN! TIRED OLD HOOKER" & "You know his price" -- second most requested highlight, Wally & Cedric's "interview" with John McCain.

Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Veto" -- Isaiah's timely comic on Bully Boy and "veto."