Sunday, February 18, 2007


Highlights done quickly, using our secret powers of endurance and speed!

"Blame it on Betinna" -- Betty's latest chapter where she learns she's caught living a Rickie Lee Jones song.

"Vegetable Chowder in the Kitchen" -- recipes are important, Trina reminds, but so is a honest evaluation.

"B-b-b-but, Kat, it's just TV!" -- Kat reminds of the power of folk tales (and entertainment is the folk tales of today).

"Ruth's Report" -- the latest from Ruth (the next goes up on Monday).

"Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts "Go Flush Yourself"" -- Judge Toilet, what have you done? You've made a turd of someone -- yourself.

"What's up, Bully Boy?" & "THIS JUST IN! BULLY BOY'S LEFT IN THE DARK AGAIN!" -- Cedric and Wally explain that, when in crisis mode, Bully Boy hauls out the Streisand.

"NYT: Gordo still mistaking pistols for privates" -- reader's pick of their favorite piece by C.I. last week.

"John R. MacArthur, Student strike against the war" -- John R. MacArthur asks, Elaine explains. How do you solve a puzzle like Judith?

"Disgusted" -- two from Elaine. We loved this post. When will adults act like adults? We wonder that as well.

"THIS JUST IN! TIM HARDAWAY TAKES AIM AT MARY CHENEY!" & "Tim Hardaway and Dick Cheney throwdown (humor) " -- Wally and Cedric explain how Cheney-Bashing is the hot new celeb fashion!

"this & that" -- a talking post by Rebecca, we love those and this was one of our favorites from last week.

"Iraq snapshot" -- Keesha picked Friday's snapshot as her favorite of the week.

"Dixie Chicks, Ralph Nader, Kentucky" -- we love it when Mike talks Nader (and laugh, as does he, about a segment gets pissed off whenever he talks Nader).