Sunday, January 14, 2007


Picks for the best of last week from community sites. Selected by Cedric, Wally, Betty, Rebecca, Kat, Elaine and Mike.

"How The Nation isn't cutting it" -- Elaine, you said a mouthfull!

"Lemon & Rice Soup in the Kitchen" --Trina's latest where she discusses Iraq, the study group and lemon and rice soup.

"The Force Majora Friedman" -- Betty's not too high on this one. Busy week, she says, and she feels like she's in a holding pattern until Friday (by her outline). We enjoyed it and think you will as well.

"Kat's Korner: Carly Simon, Into the Real" -- another wonderful review by Kat. (And Folding Star e-mailed to note it.)

"THIS JUST IN! HE'LL ALWAYS HAVE THE CRAZIES!" & "Examing Bully Boy's base" -- Wally and Cedric crunch the numbers to see who are the people still proud of their Bully Boy.

"thaw on war (theater special - wbai) & law & disorder on guantanamo" -- Rebecca notes a theater special and Law & Disorder.

"Bully Boy's Latest Lies" -- Kat's immediate reaction to Bully Boy's speech.

"New York Times, Iraq, Third Estate Sunday Review" -- Mike talks sports and The New York Times' "universal" theme.

"Primetime Bully Boy" & "THIS JUST IN! HE THINKS HE'S READY FOR HIS CLOSEUP!" -- Cedric and Wally explain why Bully Boy picked the perfect night and time slot for his nonsense speech.

"Isaiah's The World Today Just Nuts 'The Butcher's Wife'" -- a very upset Sabrina e-mailed the gang this week to say she doesn't feel like Isaiah gets noticed in these highlights. We're scratching our heads over that and assuming she's correct. If she is, it was an oversight on our part and we're sorry. This is Isaiah's comic where he puts Laura Bush into the Demi Moore role in The Butcher's Wife. Thanks for keeping us on our toes, Sabrina.

"Iraq Snapshot" from Tuesday (at readers, Jim and Mike's request) and "Iraq snapshot" from Friday at Mike's study group's request (Mike sends a shout out and says he, Elaine, Rebecca and Flyboy will be back in February). Both snapshots written by C.I. Tuesday is taking on an editorial (cowardly editorial) saying Ehren Watada should be convicted, Friday's is covering the realities of Bully Boy's 'plan.'