Sunday, November 12, 2006


We have switched to beta mode for Blogger/Blogspot (on Thursday). It's resulted in many problems as we attempt to publish today. One of the problems appears to be e-mailed posts which is how we do most of the highlights.

We recommend the following:

Rebecca's "remember the ladies? forgotten at the democracy n..." -- an explosive post from Rebecca. You won't want to miss it. Earlier in the week, we felt she'd written what we'd highlight but Friday came this manefesto.

Mike's "Just sharing post" -- we're a sucker for Mom posts.

Betty's "Thomas Friedman, trained in gas baggery, not economics" -- Betty's latest post is funny and offers a critique of where Friedman fits in the larger system of press/gas baggery.

Elaine's "Iraq, CounterPunch, Ruth" -- Elaine interviews Ruth.

Wally's "THIS JUST IN! RUMSFELD TALKS!" -- joint post. Wally and Cedric 'create' an interview with Rumsfled.

Cedric's "Rumsfled sits for an exclusive (humor) " -- see above.

C.I.'s "Bully Boy plays 'Flee on My Rums-fled'" -- the title is a play on Anne Sexton's "Flee on My Donkey." Rumsfled is an ass. Get it?

Ruth's "Ruth's Report" -- read Elaine's interview with Ruth and then read this.

C.I.'s "Resistance is futile -- or at least the independent media coverage is" -- saying what needs to be said.

Trina's "Turkey in the Kitchen" -- well worth reading and, as C.I. notes, you never know what you'll learn from Trina. (Ref to gravy incident.)

At Kat's site:

"the never ending beta switch on blogger/blogspot (rebecca)"
"Pancake (Ruth)"
"Retail and the economy (Betty)"

Apologies to readers who love highlights. We've attempted for three hours to get them up. This will have to do.