Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday Radio Highlights

It's Sunday and you're thinking, "Repeats on TV, what am I going to do!" Turn on the radio (or computer, all shows featured can be heard online). What might you hear? Music fan? There's plenty being offered from Chico Alvarez to Nancy LaMott. Looking for theater? There's a play set in the civil rights era. Want politics? How about a challenger trying to win a primary against an incumbent Congressional war hawk? Or the issues of poverty or air quality? There's all that and a lot more. So here are some radio highlights for Sunday. Please note that Radio Chronicles and Act One Radio Drama are only available for seven days. If you're reading this on Monday or Tuesday, you can listen via the archives. If you're reading this on June 12th or later, you've missed it.

On New York City's WBAI:

11:00-noon: The Next Hour
Actor/writer/raconteur Malachy McCourt holds forth.

1:00-2:00 pm: The Musicians Of WBAI
Spotlighting Chico Alvarez and Arnell Dowret. Shawn Rhodes hosts this second installment which features the music of each artist along with interviews conducted by WBAI Sunday News co-anchor, Barbara Day.

6:30-7:00 pm: Equal Time for Freethought
The Church of the SubGenius (and its retractors)! The Church of the SubGenius is a satirical postmodern parody religion, originally based in Dallas, Texas, which gained popularity in the 1980s and 1990s subculture, with a large presence on the Internet.

9:00-11:00 pm: Everything Old is New Again
This Sunday we feature the music of Barry Manilow, playing hits like New York City Rhythm, Marry Me A Little, and of course, Copacabana (At the Copa), from his new CD, The Greatest Songs of the 50s. Also, some James Taylor, Nancy LaMott and many more.

On Berkeley's KPFA:

Sunday Salon
Sunday, June 4th,
Broadcasting from Fresno, about Fresno...
Hour 1: Urban Poverty;
Hour 2: Air Quality

Radio Chronicles
Sunday, June 4th, 6:30p.m.
Unnatural events: A town in Australia caught up in a series of earthquake tremors, being struck by lightning, and much more...

Act One Radio Drama
Sunday, June 4th, 7:30p.m.
L.A. Theatreworks presents "Of One Blood," a poignant and disturbing play about the infamous murder of three civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1964

Finally, on RadioNation with Laura Flanders (Air America Radio, seven to ten p.m.):

On Sunday, Progressive Democrat MARCY WINOGRAD will be our guest,
She's waging an upstart primary campaign against California Congresswoman Jane Harmon.
And next weekend we broadcast live from our Seattle affiliate: Progressive Talk KPTK 1090AM.