Sunday, May 28, 2006

Radio highlights for Sunday (and one for Tuesday)

Radio highlights for Sunday. All of the programs are available online -- you can listen for free with no registration or "day pass." So what's going on today? You've got science and a look at the "Selfish Gene," you've got the topic of war resistors, Asian and Pacific Islander heritage month, independent bookstores . . . and more.

This evening on WBAI (time given is Eastern Time Zone):

Sun, May 28, 6:00 pm: Equal Time for Freethought
Funddrive Program: Religion, Science, Dubya and the "Selfish Gene." For this special fund drive program, we will be traveling along the crossroads of religion and science, and chatting a bit about the relevance of science for a progressive understanding of political activism, and we will perhaps delve a bit into how science may become politicized, even subtly. Offering as premium, Dr. Niles Eldredge's latest book,
Why We Do It: Rethinking Sex and the Selfish Gene.

Today on KPFA (time given is Pacific Time):

Sunday Salon
Sunday, May 28th, 09:00a.m.
This week on Sunday Salon...
Hour 1: Conscientious objectors -
Hour 2: Reduce your travel woes

Annual API Heritage Month Special
Sunday, May 28th, 6:30p.m.
Annual Celebration of Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month on KPFA.

Today on RadioNation with Laura Flanders (Air America, on the airwaves, on XM satellite and online, airs from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Eastern):

MASSIE RITSCH, of Washington's Center for Responsive Politics, on Ken Lay's days as W's biggest donor.
A Media Roundtable with GARANCE FRANKE-RUTA, Senior Editor with The American Prospect and DOUG HENWOOD, Nation Contributor and Editor of the Left Business Observer.
Then the return of our independent bookstore hour with JOAN GRANIER from Odyssey Books in South Hadley, MA. And PEGGY HALEY of Book People in Austin, TX.

And Tuesday on KPFA:

La Raza Chronicles
Tuesday, May 30th, 7:00p.m.
Puerto Rico and her Diaspora.