Sunday, January 22, 2006

Blog Spotlight: Wally explains hiring procedures (Senate pay attention)

Knowing how busy C.I. was this week, we wondered exactly how time was found to read Wally's site? It wasn't. C.I. heard about this on Friday while speaking to a college group about the need to stop the confirmation of Alito. Wally's post was brought up. The community, so worldly, so welcome. Give it up for Wally.


I want to start off this morning talking about this guy I know named Sammy. He's a piece of work. I used to think that but now I know it's not just Sammy that's a piece of work, it's people who let him get away with it.

Like Tuesday, he had an interview with McDonalds. Mickey Dees. I'm sure you know about McDonalds even if you don't eat there.

Sammy shows up for the job interview with his girlfriend. They start asking him stuff like, "Do you like hamburgers? Would you agree that hamburgers are a popular food?"

Sammy goes that he can't answer that because they should hire him because they're interviewing here and he's worked before. He goes, "To tell you if I like hamburgers or even shakes would give you some indication of the amount of effort I might put into my job and I can't do that."

So the two people interviewing scratch their heads on that. Then they go, "Well what about the McRib? Sometimes we have it, sometimes we don't. When we have it, it's pretty popular. What do you think of the McRib?"

"To answer that question," Sammy says as his girlfriend begins sobbing, "would be to indicate how I might perform my job and, again, I can't do that."

So his girlfriends sobbing and tears are just streaming down her face and instead of the two interviewing Sammy saying, "You know, maybe your girlfriend shouldn't be watching this if an interview upsets her so much" they buckle.

Yep. They decide they have to hire him. Even though they've heard he may hate McRibs and he may not even fond of burgers. So now someone who doesn't care anything about what he's doing is going to be serving you because the two interviewing Sammy didn't say, "You know that's crap. You want this job, you answer the questions?"

So it's not just Sammy that's a piece of work, it's the two people who let him get away with it. And they may be worse than Sammy because they get all upset that Sammy's girlfriend cried. She's a grown up. She needs to grow up. She didn't have to come along but she chose to. Now everyone's supposed to stop asking tough questions because his whiney girlfriend might start crying.

Sammy's last name is Alito, maybe you heard of him?

Tell you what you need to do now, order "FILIBUSTER" off the menu. Scream "filibuster."

From NOW:

Alito Must Not Be Confirmed - Demand a Filibuster TodayCall Your SenatorsBy the time the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Samuel Alito ended last week, Judge Alito had dodged so many questions that we knew little more about his judicial philosophy than we had before they started. Even so, Judge Alito's unwillingness to stipulate that Roe v. Wade is "settled law", as recently confirmed Chief Justice Roberts had, puts a woman's right to choose in great peril. This factor alone should be enough for Senators to vote against his nomination.
Due to the current balance of power in the Senate (55 Republicans, 44 Democrats), we do not have the necessary 51 "no" votes to defeat Alito outright. So the only way for senators to block confirmation is for them to launch a filibuster -- which can only be ended if 60 of the 100 senators vote to stop the filibuster and proceed to a vote on the nomination. In other words, IF there is a filibuster, 41 senators can block the nomination. But without a filibuster, those same 41 votes would not be sufficient to stop Alito -- so the "no" votes are meaningless in terms of the final outcome, unless there is a filibuster.
Make the message to your senators clear: Our nation needs them to do more than vote no. They must support a filibuster in order to prevent Alito's confirmation to the Supreme Court.
Please call your Senators today and ask them to support a filibuster in opposition to this nomination. A no vote without a filibuster is a meaningless gesture. Our Senators' commitment to women's rights is a hollow shell if they will not fight to preserve them.
Talking Points for Calls

It is very clear that Judge Alito does not consider Roe v. Wade "settled law".
This factor alone should be enough for Senators to vote against his nomination.
We need them to do more than vote no.Ask them to support a filibuster in opposition to this nomination.
A "no" vote without a filibuster is a meaningless gesture.Our Senators' commitment to women's rights is a hollow shell if they will not fight to preserve them.
More information on Alito's record is available
online.If you're having trouble getting through at the local number, try the Senate Switchboard at (202) 224-3121
Call your Senators

Burger King would let you have it your way, make sure the Senate does to.

Also want to say thank you to Cedric for writing the thing for Gina, Krista, him and me. I didn't have time to blog yesterday and Cedric's good with words so I knew it would come out good but it came out a lot better than good. Thank you, Cedric; thank you, Gina; thank you, Krista; and thank you, C.I.

Now go get active!